Address: 7244 E Nido Ave., Mesa, Arizona 85209, USA
https://www.sofident.com |
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Phone: +1-(480)-422-4674
Sofident Dental Lab Supply specializes in providing mounted dental grinding stones. We also offer a full line of dental lab supplies including discs, rubber wheels, clasps, and diamond discs. Our diam
Address: Senfdamm 20, Bad Essen D-49152, Germany
www.reitel.com |
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Phone: +49-(5472)-9432-0
Reitel Feinwerktechnik GmbH provides dental laboratory instruments. Our grinding products include trimmer/surface grinder and micro-fine jet blaster.
Address: Untere Gießwiesen 2, Hilzingen D-78247, Germany
www.renfert.com |
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Phone: +49-(7731)-8208-0
Renfert GmbH distributes modelling waxes, instruments, mixing palettes, polishing brushes, polishing paste, diamond polishing felt and plaster remover. Our geo special modelling wax is a base wax for