 Fluoride Test Suppliers > TDV Dental Ltda

TDV Dental Ltda

Address: Rua XV de Novembro, 9944, Pomerode-SC 89107-000, Brazil
Phone: +55-(47)-3387-6115 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: TDV Dental Ltda offers crowns, mandrels & special kits. The TDV photo kit combines a selection of materials specifically indicated for odontological esthetic and restoring works. They are widely used in graduation and specialization courses & may be configured & personalized. Our reflective wedges are especially recommended to be used in restorations with transparent matrices. Their function is to adjust matrices & distance adjacent teeth & at the same time, due their transparency, they allow the light to pass through them for a better photo-polymerization on the cervical area. Our prophylatic strips are perforated high flexibility stainless steel strips for removing the tartar from the interproximal regions. It is autoclavable.

16 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Abrasive Steel Strips• Anatomic Wedges• Autoclavable Metallic Mandrel
• Autoclavable Plastic Mandrel• Autoclavable Steel Mandrel• Elastic Wedges
• Felt Wheels• Finishing & Polishing Kits• Impregnated Felt Discs
• Interdental Wooden Wedges• Matrices Strips• Pediatric Transparent Crowns
• Prophylactic Strips• Reflective Wedges• Sandpaper Disc System
• Silicone Tip System

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