Profile: Den-Mat Corporation manufactures Lumineers™, operating lights, bleaching systems, light polymerization devices, etching & bonding, impression materials and cements. We offer a way to reshape, revitalize and permanently whiten smile. Our Cerinate LUMINEERS Placement System kit consolidates a cabinet of four or six different kits into one compact system. Our Cerinate Prime & porcelain conditioner is a one-bottle, no-mix, organosilane ceramic primer. Research shows it to increase and enhance the bond between composite resin and porcelain. It can be used to strengthen the bond of LUMINEERS with Ultra-Bond Plus, as well as all composite resin luting cements with porcelain veneers. It also plays an important role in porcelain repair after the porcelain surface has been microabraded or etched with a porcelain etching agent like Porcelock Porcelain Etchant.