Address: 1345 N. Fitzgerald Ave, Unit E, Rialto, California 92376, USA
www.ars-dental.com |
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Phone: +1-(888)-345-0173
ARS Dental Inc offers a complete line of dental and surgical instruments. We supply extracting forceps, bone rongeurs, root elevators, ortho pliers, ortho instruments, gum scissors, hemostats, needle
Address: 55 Morris Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey 07081, USA
www.marketingfordentalspecialists.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-323-4995
Marketing for Dental Specialists specializes in offering marketing solutions for dentists. We are committed to compile and report the marketing techniques for endodontists, periodontists, prosthodonti
Address: 4910 E. Enrose Street,Suite B, Mesa, Arizona 85205, USA
www.jdsg.com |
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Phone: +1-(801)-278-2791
JDSG International provides a wide range of practice management educational services to the dental profession. We also provide management services to the medical and veterinarian professions.
Address: 5601 Arnold Road, Dublin, California 94568, USA
www.dtidental.com/ourlabs/microdental/welcome.html |
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Phone: +1-(925)-829-3611
MicroDental offers dental laboratory services to dental professionals. We are involved in the fabrication of all ceramic restorations, composite restorations, metal reinforced, orthodontic appliances
Address: 613 Justin Avenue, Glendale, California 91201, USA
www.crystalmarkdental.com |
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Phone: +1-(818)-240-7596
Crystalmark Dental Systems, Inc. offers air abrasion system to dentistry. The air abrasion system combines air stream with adjustable 27 micron aluminum oxide powder flow. It eliminates noise, heat, s
Address: 17802 Fitch, Irvine, California 92614, USA
Phone: +1-(714)-930-1746
Tycom Dental is a manufacturer of dental products used in the practice of endodontics. We offer Quantec line of root canal instruments, based on advanced designs, radical new tip geometries, and nicke
Address: 3252 Holiday Court, Suite 110, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
www.mckenziemgmt.com |
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Phone: +1-(877)-777-6151
The McKenzie Company, Inc. is a dental management and practice development consulting firm. Our dental management products include cash flow management, dental insurance coding handbook, informed cons
Address: PO Box 6405, Santa Maria, California 93456, USA
www.marshafreeman.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-253-2544
Marsha Freeman & Associates specializes in documentation and knowledge management solutions for dentists & doctors. We offer SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for dentists, doctors and small busine
Address: 2727 Skyway Drive, Santa Maria, California 93455, USA
www.denmat.com |
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Phone: +1-(877)-586-4633
Den-Mat Corporation manufactures Lumineers™, operating lights, bleaching systems, light polymerization devices, etching & bonding, impression materials and cements. We offer a way to reshape, re
Address: 10300 49th Street North, Clearwater, Florida 33762, USA
Phone: +1-(727)-561-2100
Maxxim Medical develops, manufactures and sells a wide range of specialty medical products. Our products are used for operating rooms, surgery centers, cardiac catheterization labs and interventional
Address: 4114 Herschel Street, #107, Jacksonville, Florida 32210, USA
Phone: +1-(904)-387-5546
Animated Tooth Fairy Company provides educational material & videos for patients and doctor. We also undertake dental practice marketing.
Address: 1500 North Florida Mango Road, Suite 1, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409, USA
www.omniipharma.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-4453386
Omnii Oral Pharmaceuticals offers different preventive dental products and water testing services. Our theraspray provides fresh mouth feel and is used for patients suffering from xerostomia & oral ma
Address: 318 Indian Trace, Suite 500, Weston, Florida 33326, USA
www.amjdent.com |
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Phone: +1-(954)-888-9101
American Journal Of Dentistry provides peer-reviewed scientific articles with clinical significance for the dental industry. Our journal is published six times a year in February, April, June, August,
Address: PO Box 420947, Atlanta, Georgia 30342, USA
www.limoli.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-344-2633
Atlanta Dental Consultants, Inc. assists in dental offices in streamlining the insurance reimbursement process. Our services include balancing fee schedule, answer the coding questions and provide upd
Address: P.O.Box 678, Itasca, Illinois 60143, USA
relianceorthodontics.com |
Phone: +1-(630)-773-4009
Reliance Orthodontic Products is engaged in the production of bonding adhesive products for all types of orthodontic dental work. Our products are paste adhesive, light cure adhesive and hydrophilic a
Address: 13207 Evon St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544, USA
www.cayodesignco.com |
Phone: +1-(815)-609-7321
Cayo Design Co. offers educational materials and videos for patients & doctors. We also deal with internet services, market research, paper products, practice management and marketing service for dent
Address: 204 Ryan lane, Shorewood, Illinois 60404, USA
www.thesplintcompanion.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-755-0412
AEA Dental is engaged in selling the splint companion CD manual. The splint companion contains general guidelines that include casts and impressions, facebows, bite registrations and articulators. It
Address: 950 Green Bay Road, Ste. 205, Winnetka, Illinois 60093, USA
www.ortho-tain.com |
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Phone: +1-(847)-446-7601
Ortho-Tain Inc. specializes in orthodontic appliances. Our product Nite-Guide® is worn by children at night to correct overbite, overjet, crowding and some open-bites. It is a preformed, self open
Address: 49 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard, Massachusetts 46077-0369, USA
www.hitecdentist.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-229-8967
Seltzer Institute specializes in high tech dentistry. Our technology & lighting center (TLC) is an overhead multimedia display that allows patients to comfortably watch TV, intraoral camera, computer
Address: 307 West First Street, South Boston, Massachusetts 02127-1309, USA
www.tekscan.com |
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Phone: +1-(617)-464-4500, 800-248-3669
Tekscan, Inc. offers the T-scan system which is a valuable tool that aids in the diagnostic process of analyzing a patient's bite & shows what does not function properly. When a bite is unstable it ca
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