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Address: P.O. Box 70, Bergen op Zoom, AB 4600, Netherlands
www.dynadental.com |
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Phone: +31-(164)-258980
Dyna Dental Engineering B.V develops, produces and markets dental products. We offer several implant diameters for all kind of indicators like magnetic attachments, ball attachments & bar construction
Address: Molenstraat 2a, Vught 5262 ED, Netherlands
Phone: +31-(73)-684 72 00
BioComp Industries BV manufactures the BioComp implant system with associated components and instruments. Our implant system is sold worldwide. It is certified to CE & EN-ISO 9001:2000 & EN-ISO 13485:
Address: 101 "B" Ave., Los Algodones, Baja California (BC), Mexico
www.finequalitydental.com |
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Phone: +52-(658)-517-7791
Fine Quality Dental is a full-service dental office, providing complete dental products and services. We provide family dentistry at an affordable cost. Dental implants are the longest-term and the mo
Address: 573-13 Bokhyun-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu 702-020, Korea, Republic Of
www.apoloniaimplant.com |
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Phone: +82-(053)-952-8261
Csm Implant Systems supplies an implants & trays, prosthetic screws and orthodontics for dental practice. We are an ISO certified company. Our product includes submerged, internal and external type. O
Address: 207 Dunchon B/D., 416-1, Seongnae-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul 134-844, Korea, Republic Of
www.ortholution.com |
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Phone: +82-(2)-483-1212
Ortholution offers implants. Our orlus mini-implant is available for both direct and indirect application. Our product orlus ET (extras thread) is a new type mini implant which has a hole in the head
Address: 8th FL. WorldMeridian Venture Center II, 426-5, Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul 153-803, Korea, Republic Of
www.osstem.com |
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Phone: +82-(2)-2125-3687
Osstem Co., Ltd. manufactures dental implants. We have completed the development and pre-clinical test of synthetic peptide a new material that enhances the performance of dental implant. The syntheti
Address: 2 - 18 - 14, Toyotamanaka, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 176-0013, Japan
www.kosaka.co.jp |
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Phone: +81-(3)-3557-4111
Kosaka Dental Supply Co., Ltd. supplies dental treatment apparatus & laboratory apparatus, by importing from overseas companies. We help in designing & supplying equipment and cabinets for health cent
Address: Via Bissolati 111/A, Cremona 26100, Italy
www.implamed.it |
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Phone: +39-(372)-24915, 537187
Implamed S.r.l. deals with dental equipments like system argon control and endosteal self tapering screws for dental surgeries. We have CE certification O476 for system argon control which allows for
Address: Via Marzotto, 11, Dueville 36031, Italy
www.dentalx.it |
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Phone: +39-(0444)-3674-00
Dental X s.r.l. focuses in the design, production & distribution of vacuum sterilization and heat-sealing systems. Our products have CE 0120 certification & is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO
Address: Via Nazionale 8, Paluzza 33026, Italy
www.carniaflex.com |
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Phone: +39-(433)-775164
Carniaflex S.r.l. manufacturers flexible metal tubes and medical devices. Our medical devices are used in the fields such as orthopaedics, dental implantalogy and endoscopy. We provide different types
Address: Via Madonna della Salute, 23, Pozzuolo del Friuli 33050, Italy
www.geass.it |
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Phone: +39-(432)-669191
Nuova Geass S.r.l. offers products for implantology and oral surgery. We focus mainly on materials like implants, surgical tray and drill control kit.
Address: Via Dell'Artigianato, 1-A/B, Roncadelle (Brescia) I-25030, Italy
www.physioplant.it |
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Phone: +39-(30)-2584655
Physioplant S.R.L/Dental Tech offers conometric fixture-abutment assembly, implant-prosthetic connection with shock absorber & pyramidal abutment.
Address: Via E. Fermi,49, Torino, Arcugnano Vicenza 36057, Italy
www.bioteck.com |
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Phone: +39-(444)-289366
Bioteck s.r.l focuses in the manufacture of bone systems. Our research guarantees constant improvements in bone tissues in order to support technological progress. We mainly provide implantation syste
Address: Via Bovazecchino, 100, Badia Polesine (RO) 45021, Italy
www.zhermack.com |
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Phone: +39-(425)-597611
Zhermack S.p.A. specializes in the production of impression materials for dentists and orthodontists. Our clinical product group offers a complete impression system, materials for relining, temporary
Address: Viale Aldo Moro, 22, Bologna 40127, Italy
www.simbiosgroup.com |
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Phone: +39-(51)-299500
Simbios Group provides a wide range of dental products. Our product AF 101 is a fourth generation apex detector. It is safe and reliable and allows a total automatism during its use. The device is the
Address: via E. Zago, 8, Bologna 41128, Italy
www.rhein83.com |
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Phone: +39-(51)-244510
Rhein'83 provides dental attachments and implant attachments. Our spherical systems include spheres with flat head, spheres on posts for roots spheres on titanium abutments for implantation, spheres i
Address: Via Renato Fucini, 2, Bologna, Casalecchio de reno 40033, Italy
www.ghimas.com |
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Phone: +39-(51)-575353
Ghimas S.p.A. produces pharmaceutical preparations and dental products. In the dental sector we market plaster, temporary cement, n2 the endodontic cement & fisiograft used to augment or reconstruct t
Address: Via P. a Quaracchi, 50, Fiorentino - Firenze 50019, Italy
www.leone.it |
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Phone: +39-(55)-3044620
Leone S.p.A manufactures orthodontic products. We provide expansion screws, wire and wire forms, bands, tubes and brackets, elastics & ligatures, intraoral, extraoral and orthodontic mini implants, pl
Address: Via Seganti, 73, Forli 47100, Italy
www.mariotti-italy.com |
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Phone: +39-(543)-474105
Mariotti & C. srl offers micromotors, milling machines, parallelometers & turbines for the laboratory. We offer miniendos the new endodontic micromotor, specially designed for Ni-Ti files. It controls
Address: Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, 2, Giaveno (TO) 10094, Italy
www.tecnoss.com |
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Phone: +39-(11)-9377347
Tecnoss s.r.l is a new biomaterial company created to export the innovative OsteoBiol® product line worldwide. Our product Duo-Teck is a membrane made of lyophilized collagen of equine origin whic
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